Monday, August 16, 2010

No consensus with in the scientific community. Why do people use this as a real ';answer';?

Study after study has disputed global warming. Even the IPCC's own scientist have come out and said the hype around AGW is unfounded. Why do people to continue to use this lame answer as evidence of AGW?

Dr. Madhav L. Khandekar-UN scientist, a retired Environment Canada scientist and an expert IPCC reviewer in 2007. ''Has explained the cooling of the Southern Hemisphere'' Aug 6,2007

Dr. Jim Renwick-a top UN IPCC scientist. Admits climate models do not account for half the variability in nature, thus are unreliable.

Dr Vincent Gray-IPCC reviewer and expert reviewer on every IPCC report going back to 1990. ''The claims of the IPCC are dangerous and unscientific nonsense.'' April 10,2007

Dr. Hendrick Tennekes-meteoroligist and scientific pioneer in developement of numerical weather prediction and former director of Netherlands Royal Natl Meteorlogical Inst. Compared scientist who promote models to unlicensed ''software ''engineers'' feb 28, 2007.

No consensus with in the scientific community. Why do people use this as a real ''answer''?computers

You can name individual ''skeptics'', but their numbers are small.

There is a very powerful consensus on global warming in the scientific community. Proof:

No major scientific organization says global warming is natural. the American Institute of Petroleum Engineers did for a while, but changed after many of their members resigned rather than belong to an organization that denied the truth.

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