Big shot trini, Joe grew up in Barataria by Jumbee bridge, then went away to attend college and law school. He decided to come back to T%26T because he felt he could be a BigShot at home. He really wanted to impress everyone. So he returned and opened his new
law office on St Vincent Street among the big sawatees.
The first day, he saw a man coming up the passageway. He decided to create a big impression for this new prospective client when he arrived. As the man came to the door Joe grab up the phone. He motioned the man in, all the while talking.
''No. Absolutely not. You tell those clowns in New York that I won't settle this case for less than one million. Yes, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear that case next week. I'll be making the primary argument and the other members of my team will provide the necessary support.''
He went on playing himself, ''Okay, tell the DA that I'll meet with him next week to discuss the details.''
The ''conversation'' went
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LMAOOOOOOO, ooo garm, dais ah good one dey Sam. ok, ok, lemme catch meh breath.
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I wondering too about laqtel... Report It
I wondering too about laqtel... Report It
LOL the TSTT man must have give that Joe one set of crazy look up and down... So wait nuh. Anybody see LaqTel come and gone just easy-easy so??? All those ole PNM members pack up in there then the thing 'ent even launch...
bet he was waiting for tstt for a long while.
Heard this alread, but since its nice gotta read it twice! Keep those jokes coming!!!
Dais ah funny one. Joe mustbe feel like ah real jackass
dais a hott one dey
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