Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Northwestern University?

I was wondering what my chances would be?

- 30 ACT (may be a weak point)

- class rank is 1/132 - valedictorian

- GPA = 4.0 GPA weighted = 5.0

highest possible level of classes offered - honors

- clubs

rotary interact, yearbook (technology editor), national honor sociey, St. Vincent DePaul, Saturday Scholars


elected among 600 students to participate in leadership conference, principals award, other leadership conferences

- community service

volunteer at hospital, bring easter/christmas meals and gifts to poor each year

- others

varsity tennis(captain), varsity golf, guitar, small enterprising lawn business

-employment (whether it matters)

Quarry Golf Course

- recs from 2 teachers and Sr. Manager of Budweiser corporation in st. louis

-the usual hopeful essay

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

Northwestern University?matchless

It sounds to me like you've got a great shot. I would take some SAT IIs though. And have you taken the actual SAT? My SAT scores were better than ACT score, because of that stupid ACT science section grrr.

I wouldn't worry about the ACT. I actually also got a 30. I didn't apply to Northwestern, but I was accepted to both NYU and Vanderbilt.

Also, being valedictorian is a huge plus in your favor. Good job on building such a great resume!

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